aone-kangbot is A modular Telegram userbot running on Python 3.8+ with an sqlalchemy database. this bot based on OpenUserbot and kanged for all userbot
How to Host aone-kangbot Usebot On Termux
Frist Prepare Telegram Api Key , Api Hash From, And Other Api
Download And Install Termux App From Playstore
Enter This Commad in Termux
Pkg install git
Pkg install nano
Pkg install git
Git clone
Cd aone kangbot
Wait until Finished
Inset Your All Api Key Use this Command "Nano aone-kangbot/config.env"
To start bot Use This Command "Bash"
Follow the command in your termux or terminal
Congratulations your bot has been running check using .alive on telegram pm or group, if it does not respond to check log and make sure all config variables are filled in correctly
How To Host aone-kangbot Usebot To Heroku
Frist Prepare Telegram Api Key , Api Hash From, Session string And Other Api
Enter all the api keys, string session that you have prepared
If you have filled everything (at least only the recommendations so that userbot can run) press deploy
Wait until the deployment process is successful
After successfully clicking manage the app then go to the resources tab and start the worker
Congratulations your bot has been running check using .alive on telegram pm or group, if it does not respond to check heroku log and make sure all config variables are filled in correctly